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Ideas and concepts
for digital and new communication solutions

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    Voltaren - Office Pong

    Office Pong
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    Voltaren - Office Pong

Voltaren – Office Pong

An idea that brings a fun approach to exercise in the everyday office life and vibrantly communicates the core message of Voltaren - "THE JOY OF MOVEMENT”.

This is achieved through the development of a webcam-based online version of the progenitor of all computer games, "Pong". Two players position themselves together in front of a webcam. The movements of the QR-rackets are recorded and transferred to the bars in the game. Three different levels of difficulty help to create variety.

In order to activate, the "QR-pong rackets" were sent on Voltaren memo pads via snail-mail, while the mobile version was sent via e-mail to mobile phones.

All participants have the option to send snapshots to their friends after the game, asking them to outdo the score obtained.